The purpose of this blog.

This Blog is a gathering of material that has been found through personal research. I have put this blog together as a way to share my research with the Civilians of Crew 1872. When available I will provide links to the site it came from and credit. Please be patient with me as I go back through all posts to make sure the proper creidt was given.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What is Venturing

Venturing is a youth development program of the Boy Scouts of America for young men and women who are 14 through 20 years of age. The purpose of venturing is to provide experiences to help young people mature and to prepare them to become responsible and caring adults.

Venturing is based on a unique and dynamic relationship between youth, adult leaders and organizations in their communities. The local community establishes a Venturing Crew by matching their people and program resources to that of young people. The result is a community based program that provides exciting and meaningful activities that helps youth pursue their special interest, to grow, to develop leadership skills, and to become good citizens.

Venturing focus around six experience areas:
    • Develop a better understanding of America's social, economic and government systems
    • Encourage a pride in our American heritage
  2. Leadership
    • Develop leadership skills
    • Preparing to give leadership and fulfill our responsibilities to America society and to the people of the world
  3. Fitness
    • Improve mental, emotional and physical fitness
    • Develop ethical decision-making skills
  4. Social
    • Installing stable personal values
    • Develop skills in dealing with all people and encouraging a sense of family and community
  5. Outdoor
    • Develop a degree of self-reliance based on courage, initiative, and resourcefulness
    • Understand and appreciate the wise use of resources and the protection of our environment
  6. Services
    • Encourage the skill and desire to help others
    • Gain a keen respect for the basic right of others

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