The purpose of this blog.

This Blog is a gathering of material that has been found through personal research. I have put this blog together as a way to share my research with the Civilians of Crew 1872. When available I will provide links to the site it came from and credit. Please be patient with me as I go back through all posts to make sure the proper creidt was given.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Waltz

A Step by Step Guide
The Waltz is a soft, gentle, and romantic dance in ¾ time giving it a basic three beat rhythm that is counted 1 2 3. The transference of weight from one foot to another be slowed and controlled giving the Waltz its defined personality of glide. Particular attention should be paid to the heel placement in the forward movement.

The Hold
The gentleman places his right hand just below the ladies left shoulder blade.
The lady places her left hand on the gentleman’s upper arm
The gentleman extends his left arm to his left side
The lady places her right hand into the gentleman’s left hand and the gentleman’s fingers curl gently round the hand of the lady.
The lady should be slightly to the gentleman’s right.

Box Waltz
The Waltz is synonymous with turning but this basic Box Waltz will give you the opportunity to experience the rhythm of the dance.

Start with both your feet together – your own feet.

Leaders Foot Position

Count 1
Forward Left Foot

Count 2
Right foot to the side

Count 3
Left Foot closes the Right Foot and transfer your weight onto the Left Foot.

Followers Foot Position

Count 1
Step back Right Foot

Count 2
Left Foot to the side

Count 3
Right Foot closes to the Left Foot and transfer your weight onto the Right Foot

You are half way there! Now simply repeat the movement but in reverse – the follower doing the leaders steps and vice versa. This can be count 4 5 6. Repeat the pattern gently turning and you will be a Waltzing pro in no time.

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