The purpose of this blog.

This Blog is a gathering of material that has been found through personal research. I have put this blog together as a way to share my research with the Civilians of Crew 1872. When available I will provide links to the site it came from and credit. Please be patient with me as I go back through all posts to make sure the proper creidt was given.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


All the of information on this Blog has been gathered from various websites. Where I could I have documented the website it came from. As I am able and any new information I post will be documented. I am sorry if I have offended anyone, as stated this site is just a gathering of information I have found. If I have included something from your website I meant it as a complement that I think that your information is very informative. If you see some of your information on here please let me know what it is so that I may document it. I have lost some of the links to where I obtained the information.

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